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Profile Publications Link Japanese Page
e-mail: shinada@l.u-tokyo.ac.jp
MIZUHO SHINADA, Assistant Professor
Department of Social Psychology
Graduate School of Humanities and
Sociology/Faculty of Letters
University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0033 Japan
e-mail: shinada @ l.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Nationality: Japanese
Phone: +81.3.5841.3870
FAX: +81.3.3815.6673
Research Experience |
2004-2005 Research Fellow (DC), Japan Society
for the Promotion of Science, Japan
2006-2009 Research Fellow (PD), Japan Society
for the Promotion of Science, Japan
2009-2010 Postdoctoral Research Fellow at
Hokkaido University, Japan
2010 Visiting Researcher at University of
California, Santa Barbara
2011-2012 (March) Assistant Professor at
Hokkaido University
2012 (April) - present Assistant Professor at
Tokyo University |
Teaching Experience |
April 2001- March 2002 Teaching Assistant
(Hokkaido University)
April 2003- March 2004 Research Assistant
(Hokkaido University)
April 2003- March 2005 Adjunct instructor
(Sapporo Nursing School)
September 2008-March 2009 Adjunct instructor
(Hokkaido Musashi Women’s Junior College)
2011-2012 Assistant Professor at Hokkaido
University 2012 (April) - present Assistant Professor at
Tokyo University |
Education |
Hokkaido University, B.A. (2001)
Thesis title: “A dilemma of group formation:
Exit, Exploit, and Royalty
Supervisor: Tatsuya Kameda
Hokkaido University, M.A. (2003)
Thesis title: “Behavioral linkage in social
dilemmas: An experimental study”
Supervisor: Tatsuya Kameda
Hokkaido University, Ph.D. (2007)
Thesis title: “Cooperation and punishment in a
Supervisor: Toshio Yamagishi |
Journal Articles |
Yamagishi, T., Mifune, N., Li, Y.,
Shinada, M., Hashimoto, H., Horita, Y., Miura, A., Inukai, K.,
Tanida, S., Kiyonari, T., Takagishi, H., & Simunovic, D. (2013) Is
behavioral pro-sociality game-specific? Pro-social preference and
expectations of pro-sociality. Organizational Behavior and Human
Decision Processes, 120, 260-271.
Yamagishi, T., Horita, Y., Mifune, N.,
Hashimoto, H., Li, Y., Shinada, M., Miura, A., Inukai, K., Takagishi,
H., & Simunovic, D. (2012) Rejection of unfair offers in the
ultimatum game is no evidence of strong reciprocity. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
109, 20364-20368.
Yamagishi, T., Hashimoto, H., Cook, K.
S., Kiyonari, T., Shinada, M., Mifune, N., Inukai, K., Takagishi,
H., Horita, Y., & Li, Y. (2012). Modesty in self-presentation: A
comparison between the USA and Japan. Asian Journal of Social
Psychology, 15, 60-68.
Inukai, K., Shinada, M., Takahashi, C., Mifune, N., Takagishi, H.,
Horita, Y., Hashimoto, H., Yokota, K., Kameda, T., Yamagishi, T., &
Takahashi, T. (2010). Salivary alpha-amylase levels and big five
personality factors in adults. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 31,
Takagishi, H., Takahashi, T., Yamagishi, T., Shinada, M., Inukai,
K., Tanida, S., Mifune, N., Horita, Y., Hashimoto, H., Yang, L. &
Kameda, T. (2010). Salivary testosterone levels and autism-spectrum
quotient in adults. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 31, 837-841.
Takahashi, T., Shinada, M., Yamagishi, T., Inukai, K., Tanida, S.,
Mifune, N., Takagishi, H., Horita, Y., Hashimoto, H., Yang, L., and
Kameda, T. (2010). Stress hormones predict hyperbolic time-discount
rates six months later in adults. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 31,
Yamagishi, T., Horita, Y., Takagishi, H., & Shinada, M., Tanida, S.,
& Cook, K. (2009). The private rejection of unfair offers and
emotional commitment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science
of the United States of America, 106, 11520-11523.
Shinada, M., & Yamagishi, T. (2007). Punishing free-riders: Direct
and indirect promotion of cooperation. Evolution & Human Behavior,
28, 330-339.
Shinada, M., Yamagishi, T., & Ohmura, Y. (2004) False Friends Are
Worse than Bitter Enemies: "Altruistic" Punishment of In-Group
Members. Evolution and Human Behavior, 25, 379-393.
Book Chapters |
Shinada, M., & Yamagishi, T. (2008)
Resurrecting the Leviathan in social dilemma research. Anders Biel,
Daniel Eek, Tommy Garling, and Mathias Gustafsson. (Eds.), New
issues and paradigms in social dilemma research, Chapter 7, pp.
93-115. New York: Springer.
Shinada, M., Yamagishi, T., & Ohmura, Y. (2007). False Friends Are
Worse than Bitter Enemies: "Altruistic" Punishment of In-Group
Members. In Mark Radford, Susumu Ohnuma, and Toshio Yamagishi
(Eds.), Cultural and ecological foundations of the mind. Hokkaido
University Press.
Conference Papers |
Shinada, M., Miura, A., Yamagishi, T. (2011). Eyes are the mirror of
the mind: Social- and non-social risk attitude and trust. Poster
presented at the 9th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of
Social Psychology, Kunming, China, July 28-31.
Shinada, M., Yamagishi, T., & Miura, A. (2011). Attention allocation
in trust game: Using eye tracking to differentiate trust and
risk-taking decisions. Poster presented at the 23th Anuual
Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington,
DC, USA, May 25-29.
Shinada, M., & Yamagishi, T. (2011). General trust and accuracy of
trustworthiness judgment. Poster presented at the 12th Annual
Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San
Antonio, Texas, January 26-28.
Shinada, M., Yamagishi, T., Li, Y., Schug, J., Mifune, N., &
Hashimoto, H. (2010). Who is the good judge of trustworthiness?
Trust, trustworthiness, and social attractiveness. Poster presented
at the 11th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social
Psychology, Las Vegas, Nevada, January 28-30.
Shinada, M., & Yamagishi, T. (2009). Trust and detection of
trustworthiness. Paper presented at the 21th Annual Meeting of the
Human Behavior and Evolution Society. California State University,
Fullerton, May 27-31.
Shinada, M. (2007) Between-group conflict spiral: "Generalized
exchange" of hatred. Poster presented at the 7th Conference of Asian
Association of Social Psychology, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, July
25-28, 2007.
Shinada, M. & Yamagishi, T. (2007). The voluntarily provided
punishment and indirect effect of punishment. Paper presented at the
12th International Conference on Social Dilemmas, Seattle, WA, July
8-12, 2007.
Shinada, M., Yamagishi, T., & Yamamoto, Y. (2005). Third-party
punishment of in-group and out-group members. Paper presented at the
11th International Conference of Social Dilemma, Krakow, Porland,
July 24-28, 2005.
Shinada, M., & Yamagishi, T., & Ohmura, Y. (2004). Altruistic
punishment as group-based cooperation. Paper presented at the 16th
Annual Meeting of Human Behavior & Evolution Society, Berlin,
German, Freir Universitat Berlin, July 21-25, 2004.
Shinada, M., Ohmura, Y., & Yamagishi, T. (2004). Third party
punishment and social exchanges in groups. Poster presented at the
28th International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, China. August
Shinada, M., & Kameda, T. (2003). Solving the ‘Tragedy of the
Commons’ by Social Embeddedness: An Experimental Study on the
Behavioral Linkage between Different Exchange Domains. Paper
presented at the 10th International Conference on Social Dilemmas,
Marstrand, Sweden, August19-23, 2003. |
Research Grants
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research of Young Scientists,
"Theoretical and empirical study
for the mutual relationship between the formation of social order
and individual mind."
1,700,000 yen.
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research of Young Scientists, "Study of
psychological and
institutional basis of intergroup relationship: Experiment and
computer simulation."
3,400,000 yen.
Japan Society for the promotion of Science Grant-in-Aid for
Scientific Research,
“Strategies for establishing cooperative relationships and the
Japan Society for the promotion of Science Grant-in-Aid for
Scientific Research,
“Research on the basis of punishing behavior for sustaining
cooperation” |
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