Modeling the Mind of a Moral Agent:
Explaining how people build social understanding and control actions
- Every one of us is installed with a mind: a system which allows us to make sense of the social realm and accordingly navigate our actions. What kind of a model would represent such a mental system? Moreover, what would those models imply about the nature of us, humans?
- To find out, our lab conducts research on people’s social judgments regarding the self and others, as well as on self-regulatory behaviors. Each specific research project seeks to identify critical situational and individual-level determinants of social judgments/ behaviors, and to provide integrative explanations for the psychological processes underlying those relationships.
- Furthermore, social judgments and behaviors are shaped by certain sets of values. Justice, virtue, fairness – people generally show strong respect toward these morally-charged values and are motivated to realize them. That is, people possess a fundamental inclination to be a Moral Agent. Based on such premise, our research aims to model the mind of an individual as a Moral Agent. We do so through the lens of social psychology, and in a joint endeavor with adjacent disciplines (e.g., philosophy, cognitive sciences), in a unified pursuit of the same ultimate goal – exploring what it is to be a human being.
- Please see the NEW website from here.
2022.8.25 | A book chapter by Karasawa et al. has been published in The International Handbook of Positive Psychology ("Positive psychology in South Korea and Japan: Current state of affairs and future potential"). Click here for more information. |
2022.7.16 | A new paper by Shimizu et al. has been published by Advances in Gerontology ("Ageist attitudes: Youth identity, subjective time to become older, and impressions of the general older population's physical and mental health"). Click here for more information. |
2022.5.25 | A new paper by Shimizu et al. has been published by Frontiers in Environmental Science ("Social acceptance of smart city projects: Focus on the Sidewalk Toronto case"). Click here for more information. |
2022.5.11 | Karasawa's interview was published in "WORK VIEW 2022: A rewarding team culture." Click here for more information. |
2022.5.6 | A new paper by Watanabe & Karasawa has been accepted by The Japanese Journal of Experimental Social Psychology ("Development of a belief in naïve concepts of free will scale"). Click here for more information. |
2022.4.27 | A new paper by Shimizu et al. has been published by European Journal of Social Psychology ("Decreasing anti-elderly discriminatory attitudes: Conducting a ‘Stereotype Embodiment Theory’-based intervention."). Click here for more information. |
2022.4.7 | A new paper by Shimizu et al. has been accepted by Advances in Gerontology ("The relationship between disease avoidance and attitudes toward older people").Click here for more information. |
2022.4.7 | A new paper by Shimizu et al. has been accepted by The Journal of Social Psychology ("Anti-old and anti-youth attitudes among older adults: Focusing on middle-aged and old age identity").Click here for more information. |
2022.3.14 | A lab member will give a presentation atThe 12th Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences from 29th to 31st of March (Title: "Implicit anti-elderly attitudes and subjective time to become elderly"). Click here for more information. |
2022.3.14 | Lab members (Tham and Shimizu) will give presentations at The 189th Convention of The Association of Social Behavior Research. |
2022.3.12 | A new paper by Shimizu et al. has been accepted by Frontiers in Psychology ("Influence of contact experience and germ aversion on negative attitudes toward older adults"). Click here for more information. |
2022.3.12 | A new paper by Shimizu et al. has been published by International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health ("The social acceptance of smart health services in Japan"). Click here for more information. |
2022.2.25 | A new paper by Shimizu, Hashimoto, & Karasawa has been accepted by Advances in Gerontology ("Ageist attitudes: Youth identity, subjective time to become older, and impressions of the general older population’s physical and mental health"). Click here for more information. |
2021.11.13 | A new paper by Tanibe & Karasawa (2021) has been accepted by Japanese Journal of Experimental Social Psychology ("The attribution of responsibility to the manufacturer and/or user after an accident caused by a self-driving car"). Click here for more information. |
2021.10.9 | A lab member gave a paper presentation at the 32nd International Congress of Psychology. Click here for more information. |
2021.10.9 | Lab members received the "Outstanding Presentation Award for 2021" at the 67th Annual Convention of the Japanese Group Dynamics Association (English Session: Tham, Short Speech: Shimizu). Click here for more information. |
2021.10.9 | A new paper by Hashimoto & Karasawa (2021) has been accepted by Asian Journal of Social Psychology ("Are the powerful retributive, forgiving, or both? Moderating role of power on people’s responses to norm-violation."). Click here for more information. |
2021.10.9 | A new paper by Shimizu, Osaki, Hashimoto, & Karasawa (2021) has been accepted by Sustainability ("How do People View Various Kinds of Smart City Services? Focus on the Acquisition of Personal Information."). Click here for more information. |
2021.9.12 | A lab member will give a presentation at Aging & Social Change: 11th Interdisciplinary Conference from the 23rd to 24th of September(Title: What makes elderly people view themselves negatively?). Click here for more information. |
2021.9.12 | A new paper by Tham et al. has been accepted by Transportation (Title: Underlying dimensions of benefit and risk perception and their effects on people’s acceptance of conditionally/fully automated vehicles.). Click here for more information. |
2021.9.12 | A new paper by Tham et al. has been accepted by Personality and Individual Differences ("Who incurs a cost for their group and when? The effects of dispositional and situational factors regarding equality in the volunteer’s dilemma. "). Click here for more information. |
2021.9.12 | A new paper by Shimizu et al. has been accepted by Sustainability ("The social acceptance of collecting and utilizing personal information in smart cities."). Click here for more information. |
2021.7.10 | BiblioPlaza introduced a book "Society 5.0 A People-centric Super-smart Society.", to which Karasawa contributed chapter 8: Issues and Outlook. Click here for more information. |
2021.7.10 | Lab members will give a presentation at the 14th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology from the 29th to 31st of July. Click here for more information. |
2021.3.29 | Lab members will give presentations at the 11th Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences.Click here for more information. |
2021.3.23 |
A new paper by Tham et al. has been accepted by Asian Journal of Social Psychology(Title: Social rewards in the volunteer's dilemma in everyday life).Click here for more information. |
2021.3.23 | A new paper by Tham et al. has been accepted by Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science (Title: The effect of impression formation on rejection in the ultimatum game).Click here for more information. |
2021.2.11 | A lab member will give a presentation at the 2021 Association for Psychological Science Virtual Convention. Click here for more information. |
2021.2.11 | Lab members will give presentations at the 22nd Annual Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. |
2020.12.16 | The Lab web site has been redesigned. |
2020.10.17-18 | Lab members will give presentations at the 59th Annual Convention of the Taiwan Psychological Association. |
2020.7.19 | A new paper by Karasawa has been accepted. (Title: "Challenges for the Data-driven Society with a Human-centerd Concept") |
2020/6/19 | A new paper by Kato et al. has been accepted by Applied Economics and Finance. (Title: "Rational Choice Hypothesis as X-point of Utility Function and Norm Function") |
2020/6/15 | Our research (mainly conducted by Tanibe Tetsushi) on VR communication was released by Information Services International-Dentsu, Ltd. |
2020/5/1 | A research project directed by Karasawa has been launched.Link (in Japanese) |
2020/4/23 | A new paper by Kato et al. has been accepted by Applied Economics and Finance. (Title: "Sustainability and Fairness Simulations Based on Decision-Making Model |
2020/2/27-29 | Lab members will give presentations in the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention. |
2019/12/25 | A new paper by Kasahara, Karasawa, and Karasawa has been accepted by Journal of Human Environmental Studies. (Title: Effects of free will belief on moral and judicial judgment: Role of explicit motives toward retribution and incapacitation.) |
2019/11/9-10 | Lab members will give presentations in the 60th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Social Psychology. |
2019/10/26 | Tetsushi Tanibe was awarded the Presentation Award at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Group Dynamics Association. (Co-presentaters: Kaori Karasawa.) |
2019/10/19-20 | Lab members will give presentations in the 66th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Group Dynamics Association. |
2019/10/14 | A new paper by Hannikainen et al. has been accepted by Forontiers in Psychology. (Title: "For Whom Does Determinism Undermine Moral Responsibility? Surveying the Conditions for Free Will Across Cultures") |
2019/9/16 | Karasawa will be a speaker for a forum. |
2019/9/11-13 | Karasawa will be a speaker for the symposium, titled "Introductory Education of Psychology in Highschools," and a discussant for the symposium, titled "Working memory: Its measurement and conceptualization," in the 83th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association (JPA). |
2019/9/5-7 | Lab members will give presentations in the 36th Annual Meeting of Japanese Cognitive Science Society. |
2019/8/5 | A new paper by Fukumoto, hashimoto and Karasawa has been accepted by Journal of Human Environmental Studies. (Title: "Perspective-taking mediates the effect of Victims’ personalities on forgiveness") |
2019/7/26 | A new paper by Tham, Hashimoto and Karasawa has been accepted by Personality and Individual Differences. (Title: The positive and negative effects of justice sensitivity and justice-related emotions in the volunteer's dilemma") |
2019/7/11-13 | Lab members will give presentations in the 13th biennal AASP conference. |
2019/5/28 | Karasawa will give a talk, "Risk in the data-driven society: a discussion about data applications to actualize the 'human-centred' society", at the 55th forum of Transdiciplinary Federation of Science and Technology. |
2019/5/1 | Karasawa was elected president of the Japanese Society of Social Psychology. |
2019/4/24 | A new paper by Tanibe, Hashimoto, Tomabechi, Masamoto and Karasawa has been accepted by Forontiers in Psychology. (Title: "Attributing mind to groups and their members on two dimensions") |
2019/4/20-21 | Karasawa will be a discussant for the workshop, titled "Society 5.0 and applied philosophy-IT system and social norm," in the 11th Annual Meeting of Japan Association for the Contemporary and Applied Philosophy (JACAP). |
2019/3/21-23 | Lab members will give presentations in the 9th Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Science (ACP2019). |
2019/3/7-9 | Lab members will give presentations in the International Convention of Psychological Science. |
2019/2/7-9 | Lab members will give presentations in the SPSP Annual Convention. |
2019/1/13 | A paper about the victim participant system in criminal trials (Shiraiwa, Kobayashi, & Karasawa, 2016) was introduced in an article in Asahi Shimbun. |
2018/12/21 | A new paper by Tham, Murata, and Karasawa has been accepted by Journal of Human Environmental Studies. (Title: "Because of the "bad blood"?: Genetic essentialism and associative stigma of an ex-convict's children") |
2018/12/18 | Book reviews of "Reading Other Minds" and Karasawa's reply to the reviews were published in "Society and Ethics," a journal published by Nanzan University Institute for Social Ethics. |
2018/11/15 | Karasawa wrote an essay about the book "Reading Other Minds" in "Publisher's Review," the PR paper of the University of Tokyo Press, Hakusuisha Publishing Company, and Misuzu Shobo. |
2018/10/26 | A new book "Society 5.0" was published. Karasawa wrote a part of Chapter 8. |
2018/10/2 | Tetsushi Tanibe was awarded the Presentation Award at the 65th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Group Dynamics Association. (Co-presentaters: Takaaki Hashimoto, Tobu Tomabechi, Taku Masamoto, and Kaori Karasawa.) |
2018/9/25-27 | Lab members will give presentations in the 82nd Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association. |
2018/9/8-9 | Lab members will give presentations in the 65th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Group Dynamics Association. |
2018/9/5 | A paper by Shiraiwa and Karasawa was introduced on the website of the Japanese Society of Autopsy imaging. |
2018/8/28 | Karasawa's book "Reading Other Minds" was awarded the Publication Award from the Japanese Society of Social Psychology. |
2018/8/28-29 | Lab members will give presentations in the 59th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Social Psychology. |
2018/8/1 | A new paper by Hashimoto, Karasawa, Hirayama, Wada, and Hosaka has been accepted by Journal of Disaster Research. (Title: "Community Proactivity in Disaster Preparation: Research Based on Two Communities in Japan") |
2018/7/19 | A new book "Epistemology for the Rest of the World" was published. Chapter 6 was written by "Intellectual Humility Project" (PI: Steven Stich), and Karasawa and Hashimoto took part in the project. |
2018/7/10 | A new paper by Ohtaka and Karasawa has been accepted by the Japanese Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. (Title: "Perspective-taking in families based on the social relations model") |
2018/7/2 | A new paper by Shiraiwa and Karasawa has been accepted by Journal of Human Environmental Studies. (Title: "The significance of the autopsy imaging (Ai) in Japanese corpse examination: From the interview with a bereaved family of traffic accident experienced judicial autopsy") |
2018/5/24 | Karasawa's book was introduced in "UTokyo BiblioPlaza," a website of the University of Tokyo. |
2018/5/3 | A new paper by Hashimoto and Karasawa has been accepted by PLoS ONE. (Title: "Impact of consumer power on consumers' reactions to corporate transgression") |
2018/4/25 | A new paper by Tado'oka, Higuchi, and Karasawa has been accepted by the Japanese Journal of Psycology. (Title: "The effect of stereotype suppression on negative thoughts about food products") |
2018/4/7 | Information of Members has been updated. |
2018/4/2 | Mr. Takehiko Ito took a position at Tamagawa University. |
2018/3/1-3 | Lab members will give presentations in the 2018 SPSP Annual Convention. |
2018/2/27 | Karasawa reported a research of flaming on the Internet and third-party punishment. The research was funded by "Japan Internet Safety Promotion Association." |
2018/2/7 | A new paper by "Intellectual Humility Project" (PI: Steven Stich) has been accepted by Mind & Language. Karasawa and Hashimoto are taking part in the project. (Title: "De pulchritudine non est disputandum? A cross-cultural investigation of the alleged intersubjective validity of aesthetic judgment") |
2017/12/30 | A new paper by Sakurai, Watanabe, and Karasawa has been accepted by Journal of Human Environmental Studies. (Title: "The effect of goal attainability on conserving regulatory resources") |
2017/12/4 | A new paper by Saito, Shiraiwa, and Karasawa has been accepted by The Japanese Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. (Title: "Determinants of the intention to participate in the judicial system in undergraduates: Using the factor relation model") |
2017/12/1 | Karasawa's books were introduced in "UTokyo BiblioPlaza," a website of the University of Tokyo. |
2017/10/28-29 | Lab members will give presentations in the 58th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Social Psychology. |
2017/9/30-10/1 | Lab members will give presentations in the 64th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Grouop Dynamics Association. |
2017/9/22 | Lab members will give presentations in the 81st Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association. |
2017/8/24 | A new paper by "Intellectual Humility Project" (PI: Steven Stich) has been accepted by Noûs. Karasawa and Hashimoto are taking part in the project. (Title: "Nothing at stake in knowledge") |
2017/8/23 | A new paper by "Intellectual Humility Project" (PI: Steven Stich) has been accepted by Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research. Karasawa and Hashimoto are taking part in the project. (Title: "The Gettier intuition from South America to Asia") |
2017/8/17 | A new paper by "Intellectual Humility Project" (PI: Steven Stich) has been accepted by Thought: A Journal of Philosophy. Karasawa and Hashimoto are taking part in the project. (Title: "Behavioral circumscription and the folk psychology of belief: A study in ethno-mentalizing") |
2017/7/27 | A new book by Karasawa will be published. (Title: Reading Other Minds: Perceiving Others with a Naive Heart) |
2017/7/20 | A new paper by Tanibe, Hashimoto, and Karasawa has been accepted by PLoS ONE. (Title: "We perceive a mind in a robot when we help it") |
2017/6/26 | A new paper by Fukumoto, Tomabechi, Hashimoto, and Karasawa has been accepted by Journal of Human Environmental Studies. (Title: "The effect of free will belief on aggression in social interactive situations") |
2017/6/3 | Lab members will give presentations in the 15th Annual Convention of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology. |
2017/5/26 | Lab members will give presentations in the Annual Conference of The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence. |
2017/4/7 | Information of Members has been updated. |
2017/4/5 | A new paper by Shiraiwa, Kobayashi, and Karasawa has been accepted by The Japanese Journal of Criminal Psychology. (Title: "The Effectiveness of Crime Victim Policies of the Police: An Examination from the Perspective of Bereaving Family Members") |
2017/4/3 | Mr. Ryosuke Sakurai took a position at Hokkaido University of Education. |
2017/3/24 | Lab members will give presentations in the Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Science. |
2017/3/19 | A new paper by Shiraiwa and Karasawa has been accepted by Journal of Human Environmental Studies. (Title: "The examination of the inhibitory effect on sentencing decisions: People's values of rational nature-oriented") |
2017/3/15 | Karasawa will give a presentation in 3rd Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Computational Aesthetics. (Title: "Judgment bias in social psychology") |
2017/2/22 | We held a seminar on Experimental Philosophy with our guest, Dr. Justin Sytsma (Victoria University of Wellington). |
2017/1/21 | Lab members will give presentations in 2017 Society for Personality and Social Psychology Convention. |
2016/12/21 | Lab members will give presentations in 25th Academy of Human Informatics regular meeting. |
2016/12/7 | A new paper by Hashimoto and Karasawa has been accepted by Interpersona: An International Journal on Personal Relationships. (Title: "When and by whom are apologies considered? The effects of relationship and victim/observer standing on Japanese people’s forgiveness") |
2016/11/13, 2016/12/11 | Karasawa will give a presentation in a public symposium of the Japanese Psychological Association. |
2016/10/9-10 | Lab members will give presentations in the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Grouop Dynamics Association. |
2016/10/3 | Dr. Takaaki Hashimoto took a position as a program assistant professor at the University of Tokyo. |
2016/10/3 | Dr. Yoshika Tado'oka took a position at Nagano Prefectural College. |
2016/9/30 | Karasawa will give a presentation in a symposium at Otemon Gakuin University. |
2016/9/17-18 | Lab members will give presentations in the 57th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Social Psychology. |
2016/8/18-20 | Lab members will give presentations in the Annual Conference of the Korean Psychological Association. |
2016/7/24-29 | Lab members will give presentations in the 31st International Congress of Psychology. |
2016/6/2-5 | Karasawa will give a keynote speech in "International Conference on Ethno-Epistemology: Culture, Language, and Methodology" (Title: "Engineering the concept of free will (or the belief in free will?)"). |
2016/4/2 | Information of Members has been updated. |
2016/3/30 | A new paper by Tanibe, Shiraiwa, and Karasawa has been accepted by Journal of Human Environmental Studies. |
2016/3/3 | A new paper by Jung and Karasawa has been accepted by Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology. |
2016/2/5 | A new paper by Futaki, Watanabe, Sakurai, and Karasawa has been accepted by Japanese Journal of Social Psychology. |
2016/1/19 | A new paper by Shiraiwa, Kobayashi, and Karasawa has been accepted by Japanese Journal of Social Psychology. |
2015/12/17 | A new paper by Ohtaka and Karasawa has been accepted by Japanese Journal of Social Psychology. |
2015/11/22 | Karasawa will give a presentation in a workshop in the 48th Annual Meeting of Philosophy of Science Society, Japan. |
2015/11/7 | A new paper by Watanabe, Matsumoto, Ota, and Karasawa has been accepted by the Japanese Journal of Personality. |
2015/10/31-11/1 | Lab members will give presentations in the 56th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Social Psychology. |
2015/10/11-12 | Lab members will give presentations in the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Grouop Dynamics Association. |
2015/9/22-24 | Lab members will give presentations in the 79th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association. |
2015/8/19-22 | Lab members will give presentations in the 11th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology. |
2015/7/2 | A new paper by Watanabe, Sakurai, and Karasawa has been accepted by the Proceedings of ACP. |
2015/6/14 | Karasawa will give a presentation in the Meeting of Japan Association for Philosophy of Science. |
2015/4/25 | Karasawa will give a presentation in a workshop in the 7th Annual Meeting of Japan Association for Contemoporary and Applied Philosophy. |
2015/4/3 | Information of Members and Publications has been updated. |