Karasawa, K. (2017). Reading Other Minds: Perceiving Others with a Naive Heart. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press.
Karasawa, K., & Hayashi, T. (Ed.). (2014) Humanities in Perspective I: Labyrinths of Mind Language. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press.
Karasawa, K. (Ed.). (2014) Social Psychology Today: Integrating Mind and Society. Kyoto: Kitaoji-Shobo.
Karasawa, K., & Todayama, K. (2012) Social Psychology Meets Philosophy of Sciences. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press.
Karasawa, K. (2009) Editor of Chapter 2: Social Cognition and Attitude. In Japanese Society of Social Psychology (Ed.), Social Psychology Dictionary, Tokyo: Maruzen.
Karasawa, K., & Hatta, T. (Ed.). (2009) Happy Elderly Life. Kyoto: Nakanishiya-Shuppan.
Karasawa, K. (Ed.). (2005) Asakura Lecture Series in Psychology, Vol.7. Social Psychology. Tokyo: Asakura-Shoten.
Karasawa, M., Ikegami, T., Karasawa, K., & Ohira, H (2001) Social Cognition. Kyoto: Nakanishiya-Shuppan.
Chapter 10, 11, & 12. Deci, E.L., & Flaste, R. (1995) Why We Do What We Do:The Dynamics of Personal Autonomy. New York, NY: Putnam's Sons.
Weiner, B. (2006) Social Motivation, Justice, and the Moral Emotions: An Attributional Approach. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Sink, C.A., McMahan, E.A., Karasawa, K., Hashimoto, T., Jung, K.H. (2022). Positive Psychology in South Korea and Japan: Current State of Affairs and Future Potential. In: Chang, E.C., Downey, C., Yang, H., Zettler, I., Muyan-Yılık, M. (Eds.), The International Handbook of Positive Psychology. Springer, Cham. Link
H-UTokyo Lab. (Eds.) (2018). Society 5.0 Tokyo: Nikkei Publishing. (Karasawa wrote a part of Chapter 8.)
Marchery, E., Stich, S., Rose, D., Chatterjee, A., Karasawa, K., Struchener, N., Sirker, S., Usui, N., & Hashimoto, T. (2018). Gettier was framed. In S. Stich, M. Mizumoto, & E. McCready (Eds.), Epistemology for the Rest of the World, Chapter 6, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
*Karasawa, K. (2013) From cognition to emotion. In Japanese Association of Cognitive Psychology (Ed.), Handbook of Cognitive Psychology, pp.278-279. Tokyo: Yuhikaku.
*Karasawa, K. (2012) Applications of theories on emotions. In Y. Nakashima (Ed.), Handbook of Application of Psychology, pp.196-211, Tokyo: Asakura-Shoten.
*Karasawa, K. (2011) Interpersonal relationship, Interpersonal attraction. In K. Ninomiya & M. Koyasu (Eds.), Keyword Collection in Social Psychology, pp. 52-59, Tokyo: Shinyo-Sya.
*Karasawa, K. (2010) Inferences of motivation, intention, and trait. In M.Ura & H. Kitamura (Eds.), Society in Individuals, pp. 90-111, Tokyo: Seishin-Shobo.
*Karasawa, K. (2010) Social cognition and support provision. In K.Murata. (Ed.), Current Directions in Cognitive Psychology, Vol.6: Society and Emotion, pp. 195-220, Kyoto: Kitaohji-Shobo.
*Karasawa, K. (2010) Basic emotions, cognitive appraisal theories of emotions, evolution of emotions. In H.Kaiho & N.Matsubara (Eds.), Science Dictionary of Emotion and Thoughts, pp. 4-5, 12-13, 14-15, Tokyo: Asakura-Shoten.
*Karasawa, K., & Hirose, Y. (2007) Approach from social perspective, In T Hatta (Ed.), Current Psychology, pp. 135-152, Tokyo: Baifu-Kan.
*Karasawa, K. (2005) Culture and personality, Socialization and individuation of personality, In Y.Nakashima et al. (Eds.), Basic Knowledge in Psychology, pp. 287, 293, Tokyo: Yuhikaku.
*Karasawa, K. (2004) Applying social psychology to improve social welfare. In K. Takemura (Ed.), New Method of Social Psychology, pp. 173-192, Tokyo: Seishin-Shobo.
*Karasawa, K. (2001) Cognitive appraisal theories of emotions, Attribution and emotions, Attributional process, Error in information seeking and sampling. In M.Yamamoto et al. (Eds.), Handbook of Social Cognition, pp. 162-165, 166-167, 184-187, 214-215, Kyoto: Kitaohji-Shobo.
*Karasawa, K. (1999) Kelley, H. H., Self-attribution, Attribution of success and failure, Responsibility attribution, Achievement motivation, Defensive attribution, Self-serving bias in attribution, McClelland, D. C. Weiner, B. In Y. Nakashima et al. (Eds.), Psychology Dictionary, pp. 225, 328, 484, 506-507, 563, 793, 808, 910, Tokyo: Yuhikaku.
*Chikami, S., & Karasawa, K. (1999) Environmental assessment and role recognition in town planning: From Mihama-cho survey. Research center for Chita Peninsula (Ed.), History of Chita Peninsula, Vol.10, pp. 47‐79, Tokyo: Asakura-Shobo.
*Karasawa, K. (1998) Social inferences. In M. Yamamoto & M. Toyama (Eds.), Social Cognition, pp. 156-176, Tokyo: Seishin-Shobo.
*Karasawa, K. (1997) Causal attribution as a basis to understand social phenomena. In Y. Hirose (Ed.), Social Psychology in Simulated Society, pp. 56-69. Kyoto: Nakanishiya-Shuppan.
*Karasawa, K. (1996) Cognitive appraisal theories of emotions. In S. Tsuchida & K. Takemura (Eds.), Social Psychology and Emotion: Behavior, Cognition, and Physiology, pp. 55-78. Tokyo: Seishin-Shobo.
*Karasawa, K. (1994) Analysis of interpersonal emotions and behavior. In S. Akita et al. (Eds.), Psychology Today, pp. 93-103. Tokyo: Yuhikaku.
*Karasawa, K. (1988) Social cognition. In I.Saito (Ed.), Important Studies in Interpersonal Social Psychology, Vol.5, pp.141-184. Tokyo: Seishin-Shobo.